Selasa, 18 September 2012

Blandongan Temple Site, West Java . Indonesia

The site is the Temple with Temple Blandongan brick structure, the temple is also found by analyzing Concrete floors are a mixture of coral, shells and sand lime atras, temple, measuring 24.6 mx 24.6 m with a height of 4.9 m of surface fields, in the temple is also found seal - seal intact as much as 10 pieces and a number of fractions. Analysis results Coedes Seals - seal includes a growing Typologi the Dvaravati period, scenes from the manuscript tells Wonders Srasvati Sarvasteveda Diyavadana of flow, flow of Threvada. From the results of comparison with Stamp - stamp duty in Southeast Asia, it turns out Stamp - stamp found in the temple Blandongan there are similarities with the stamp - stamp Kha Ok Dalu Phattalung in Southern Thailand, Dvaravati period to the 6-7 century AD. Year 2001 was found with fragments of shells Bronze, Carbon Analysis results Datting namely century AD 2-4, and the analysis results 7-10 bricks century AD, on the other side shows the 12th Century AD, so Temple Blandongan used from the 2nd century -12 AD, the temple Blandongan prove that the Nation Indonesia is already familiar with pottery Making Techniques, Concrete Cast to the Foreign Relations of the 2-12 century AD. Location The site is located in the Village Temple Blandongan Segaran, District Batujaya 45 km from the capital city, Khanewal district.

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