Selasa, 18 September 2012

Blandongan Temple Site, West Java . Indonesia

The site is the Temple with Temple Blandongan brick structure, the temple is also found by analyzing Concrete floors are a mixture of coral, shells and sand lime atras, temple, measuring 24.6 mx 24.6 m with a height of 4.9 m of surface fields, in the temple is also found seal - seal intact as much as 10 pieces and a number of fractions. Analysis results Coedes Seals - seal includes a growing Typologi the Dvaravati period, scenes from the manuscript tells Wonders Srasvati Sarvasteveda Diyavadana of flow, flow of Threvada. From the results of comparison with Stamp - stamp duty in Southeast Asia, it turns out Stamp - stamp found in the temple Blandongan there are similarities with the stamp - stamp Kha Ok Dalu Phattalung in Southern Thailand, Dvaravati period to the 6-7 century AD. Year 2001 was found with fragments of shells Bronze, Carbon Analysis results Datting namely century AD 2-4, and the analysis results 7-10 bricks century AD, on the other side shows the 12th Century AD, so Temple Blandongan used from the 2nd century -12 AD, the temple Blandongan prove that the Nation Indonesia is already familiar with pottery Making Techniques, Concrete Cast to the Foreign Relations of the 2-12 century AD. Location The site is located in the Village Temple Blandongan Segaran, District Batujaya 45 km from the capital city, Khanewal district.

Palace Kacirebonan, West Java . Indonesia

Kacirebonan Palace Building located at Jl. No. Pulosaren. These 48, have relatively smaller size compared with the Palace and the Palace Kanoman Kasepuhan perhaps more rightly be called the Castle Kacirebonan. Administratively located in the village of Castle Kacirebonan Pulosaren, Village Pulosaren, District Pekalipan. Location palace which is at a low plain in the middle of residential areas are located at coordinates 06 º 43 '488' south latitude and 108 º 33 '921 "East Longitude.

Land castle complex breadth ± 46 500 m2. Castle Building Kacirebonan berdenah rectangles lengthwise direction of north - south, facing north. Vast palace of the youngest in the entire building is approximately 38,787 m2 Cirebon., Which consists of the building mains, Paseban, Break, Gedong Ijo, Pringgowati and Kaputren.
a) Building Up
The main building is a core building as a residence and day-to-day the sultan and his family. This building consists of several rooms including bedrooms, den sultan, pecira, fetish rooms, prabayasa, kitchen and terrace (serves as a waiting room when foot soldiers like the Sultan).

b) Paseban
Paseban building there are two, namely in the west and east, berdenah rectangle. Paseban west facing east ditompang by 8 pieces of the pole and four pillars and is a semi-open building. West and east side of the wall is lined with a low wall, roof-shaped lid joglo with tile.
c) Break
Break is located to the west of the main building. Between break and paseban separated by walls but no connecting doors on the west side of the wall. Court of the palace to the south on the wall there is a roofed gate koriagung joglo, namely the great door of the main.
d) Ijo Gedong
Gedong Ijo facing east and berdenah rectangle. Space within is divided into three, namely the north and south space occupied by the sultan's family while the living room is empty.
e) Pringgowati,
Living room where there Pringgowati named objects greatness palace, the sultan serves as a resting place. Beside it there is space pinangeran, which is used as a residence relatives sultan and storage tools Muludan celebration.
f) Kaputran and Kaputren
Place peristrirahatan sons and daughters of the Sultan.
Kacirebonan palace was founded in 1808 AD by Prince Anom on the land area of ​​45,500 m2. Development Kacirebonan Palace Sultan Anom motivated by the replacement of IV (Khaerudin Mohammed Sultan Anom) who died in 1802 AD, which is closely should be replaced by son or eldest child. However, because the Sultan Anom IV had twin boys in 1807 then Governor-General Daendels decided that both received the title sultan. Prince Kanoman King, one of the twins, defined as the Sultan Kacirebonan until the end. However, descendants of Sultan Kacirebonan this can not continue the position as sultan, enough with the prince alone. So, who was appointed as the Dutch colonial government employees only personal Kanoman Prince King. In addition Kacirebonan Castle did not have a regional power. For the son of Sultan Anom IV the other one, namely Prince Abusaleh Imamuddin by Sultan Anom Daendels defined as V, and his descendants can use the title of sultan, and the Dutch colonial government officials, when the British took the Dutch power in Java, the decision is not changed again Daendels . Since 1997 the palace was led by PR Kacirebonan Abdul Gani Natadiningrat.
Castle Development Kacirbonan done gradually. In 1808, King Kanoman only establish the main building, Paseban and breaking. In 1875 the title of Prince Dendawijaya King Madenda build Gedong Ijo, while Pringgowati built during Partaningrat Madenda Prince III, who led this court in the year 1915-1931.

Location: Jl. No. Pulosaren. 48, Pulosaren Village, Village Pulosaren, District

Dalem Agung Pakungwati, West Java . Indonesia

One interesting story behind the building Dalem Supreme Pakungwati. This is the first palace built by Prince Cakrabuana, one of the sons of King Pajajaran, as a wedding gift her daughter, Queen Pakungwati, with Sharif Hidayatullah (Sunan Gunung Jati which is still his own nephew). The building is surrounded by kuta kosod (brick structure with no spaces), with the condition of the building was only rubble foundation. From this Prince Cakrabuana and Sharif Hidayatullah Islamic religious broadcasting in the hamlet Caruban in the 15th century. Come and listen to more interesting story behind this palace.

Location: Village Mandalangan, Village Kasepuhan, District Lemahwungkuk